Sunday, 12 September 2010

I've got Cupcake Fever!

Who loves cupcakes? I do! I do! I do!  Well, I happened to walk into a store and find Cupcake fabric so, I just HAD to buy it. When I got home I started making a coaster set, which I am LOVING! My partner, Neil, thinks I'm going crazy because apparently coasters are not supposed to be made with fabric. Whatever to him, I love them so, he'll have to live with it. I'm thinking of making a Cupcake apron and 2 Cupcake pot holders as well, to get a theme going in my kitchen plus, I've just seen cupcake themed tea pots, cups, a bread bin and a coffee, tea and sugar holder that I MUST GET!  I love how you can make so many cute things with fabric and it's better when you make it yourself.
Front of my Cupcake coaster
Back of my Cupcake coaster

Well, while I was on the cupcake loving mode I decided to google cupcakes (for some weird reason but it might be my hangover kicking in) and this site came up   It is a clothing store, yes a clothing store, for women and children. I resisted in ordering a velour suit like the one in the picture below. How cute is it? VERY!
Image from
I hope you enjoy browsing this website as much as I did. 
Georgina x

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